It’s very simple, the latest Republican Debate is three hours away. Here are my predictions for what we can expect tonight from our great and not so great candidates. CBS 2100 EST.

Tonight, it’s Donald Trump, vs Ted Cruz, vs Marco Rubio, vs Jeb Bush vs John Kasich vs Ben Carson.

Donald Trump will continue to get booed. This will be very entertaining and make him turn purple. He will proceed to portray himself as the most conservative candidate, while continually sounding the most like Hillary Clinton. Trump is most likely to go after Rubio and Cruz because they’re his competition and Bush because…why not? Some attention will likely be given to Kasich because he did surprisingly well in New Hampshire.

Ted Cruz will attack Trump, while kissing up to Trump. He will attack Rubio over things that have already been disproved. He will also try to paint himself as the most conservative candidate. He will try to make a couple of jokes, one might be funny. Likely to dodge at least two questions or not fully answer them. Expect at least one mention of the “Washington cartel.”

Marco Rubio will do well and will push to stay on the relevant issue while making fun of Trump for pretending to be conservative. Will probably point out immaturity of Trump and Cruz. He will in kind, point out Cruz’s hypocrisy. Having learned from his mistakes Rubio will come in full force and be ready to answer the toughest of questions. He will be on point, standing strong, and will be attacked by pretty much everyone.

Jeb Bush will try to get into the conversation and is likely to pick at least two fights, either with Trump or Rubio…maybe one with Cruz too. He will mention his performance in New Hampshire and challenge Rubio on it. Expect one mention either from him or from the other candidates about his family’s involvement with his campaign.

John Kasich, will have a couple of pretty speeches and may deliver one or two clever lines. He will likely be the most forgotten at tonight’s debate. He will point out his surprising performance in New Hampshire and will be a very kind face in the debate. Least likely to attack someone, but will push as best he can to continue to stay in the debate and in the race.

Dr. Ben Carson will be asleep for most of this, but will likely wake up to answer questions and to try to but into a debate to prove he’s still in this race. When answering a question there will be time devoted to the bible, to his work as a neurosurgeon or something about–oh look kittens. Did you know that kitten are really cute and deserve to go to good homes–and possibly Carson will talk about the problems of Washington’s lack of faith, or some variation of everything he has already said. He won’t give any concrete answers, particularly if asked about foreign policy, or the economy. Just remember, if he doesn’t know it, he will find someone who does to tell him what to do.