Jump to: IRS Tax Refund Issues,Gilman Fraud Report, Parkway Authority Reform, Adopt a Terrorist (Canada-Satire), CT Couple – Response to Racial Slur, Trump RE: William Binney Interview and NSA Reform, Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer RE: Letter Response System, NJ State Lottery, Defective NJ Lottery Machines, Shrubbery Removal – Congratulations!, NYC Defective Transit Machines (With Response!), MTA Service Disrupted, Mayor Wayne Levante RE: School Consolidation, NY State Thruway: Bridge Named After Cuomo? (With Response!), Slot Machines Still Defective (with response/action from assemblyman), Jerry Jones RE: Goodell Contract, Is Renaming the Tapanzee Bridge Lawful?, To FBI Director Wray RE: Corruption, To Josh Gottheimer RE: Phone Scam Harassment (WITH NEWSPAPER RESPONSE!!!!, To Geraldo Rivera RE: Comments on Clinton Email , To MTA RE: Service Disruption, JCP&L 2018 Storms (WITH RESPONSE!!!), To Mayor Shortway RE: National Day of Prayer, To Tucker Carlson RE: Rude Interruptions, To Karen Durham RE: Army Memorial Cemeteries, To President Trump RE: Citizen Funding for Wall, To NJ Herald RE: Expanding Vernon Special Section, Follow Up with JCP&L: Non-response to Previous Concerns (Update: NEW RESPONSE!!!), Letter to the Editor: Gas Tax Hike, Jeanine Straus Article on Fake News (Article and Letter to the Editor), Letter to Katie Calvacca RE: Church Testimony, NJ Herald RE: School Consolidation, Salesian Missions RE: Sweepstakes,Congressional Letter: PPP is Bankrupt!, COVID War Bonds? A letter to the WH Press Secretary
IRS Tax Refund Issues
xxx, Director
Internal Revenue Service headquarters
1111 Constitution Ave., NW;
Washington, DC 20224
Re: My Refund on 2015 return for (number redacted)
Dear Mr. xxx:
On March 23, 2016, I contacted the IRS & spoke with an Agent xxx 100323xxxx who was pleasant and switched me to a refund department in Pittsburgh under a transfer pin # (redacted). The agent that responded most rudely was Ms. xxx 10002xxxx. She started by asking my name and specifically said “don’t spell it”. Everyone gets my name wrong and usually want to reverse it, so why wouldn’t I spell it? This woman had a real attitude problem. She also put me on hold for over 20 minutes reviewing my 2015 return. She could have taken my number & called me back.
She then came on and said something about the 12 week or May 7th. I wasn’t certain what she was saying and since she was so nasty, I didn’t want to ask her to explain or repeat herself, I simply wanted to get off the phone with this evil sounding woman.
I waited until last week on April 27, & attempted to try again. The agent was Miss xxx badge # 272xxxx. The phone call began at around 10am and concluded at 1:10 pm. That alone should make anyone become frustrated and annoyed, but I proudly kept my cool although once again I had a real nasty person. Although I explained the refund that I was entitled to which was long overdue since my accountant filed my 2015 return electronically on February 27, 2016, she said it would be 9 weeks from March 28 or the end of May. I asked her to explain why & she refused to explain the reason so I requested to speak with her supervisor & Miss xxx became belligerent and hung up on me. If it was an accident she should have called me back or have had her supervisor do so.
I find it upsetting that any tax payer has to be confronted by agents that fail to be friendly & responsible to the citizen/taxpayer that is in reality paying their salary. There is no excuse for this type of behavior & there is no surprise why so many people are scared of your agency.
I’ve been told by others that their refunds took 2 weeks. I find that difficult to believe, but then maybe I was being discriminated because I dared to challenge an IRS agent on 2 occasions and was penalized for contacting the IRS on 2 different occasions.
Very truly yours,
Phone Number
Gilman Fraud Report and Response
February 21, 2000
Congressman Benjamin Gilman
House of Representatives
2449 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Gilman:
Please find attached an approval for credit from a company called Continental Direct Services, Inc. (CDS).
I believe this is a scam operation. I would like to turn it over to the Federal Trade Commission or to whatever legal agency authorized to do such an investigation.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Very truly yours,
Dear xxx:
Thank you for your communication concerning Continental Direct Services, Inc.
In response to your communication, I have forwarded your correspondence and information to the Federal Trade Commission. Upon receiving a response from the FTC, I will communicate their information to you.
In the meantime, please feel free to contact me on any other subject of interest to you.
With best wishes.
Member of Congress
Parkway Authority Reform
July 18, 1997
xxx, Chairman
Garden State Parkway
Dear Sir:
Because you failed to have an employee at toll booth 153A, it was necessary for me to mail my quarter toll to your Parkway Authority. This was an inconvenience.
I have some points for you to consider.
1. What would an out-of-state driver have done?
2. Why was there no clear marking on the envelope stating the time or the toll booth?
3. What portion of the income generated by the Authority goes to payroll?
4. How does the Parkway Authority justify the unusual geographical locations of the toll booths?
5. When can I expect E-Z Pass at all toll booths, and why will it take so long?
6. Why do we have a Turnpike Authority, Atlantic City Expressway Authority, NJ Turnpike Authority, Delaware Bridge & Tunnel Authority, AND a New York Port Authority?
Some of these questions may seem stupid. But I’m not. I have the answer: There are just too many BUREAUCRATS!
P.S. I forgot one:
7. Would you be so kind as to send me your latest financial report?
cc: Governor Christine Whitman
New Jersey Highway Authority
July 25, 1997
Dear xxx:
New Jersey Highway Authority Chairman Joseph E. Buckelew has directed me to reply to your letter of July 18, 1997.
The Garden State Parkway has some 305 on- and off-ramps of which only 19 ramp interchanges are tolled. It is not economically feasible for the Authority to staff each ramp toll 24 hours a day. Therefore, motorists may encounter ramps where there are only exact change lanes. Drivers without exact change, whether they are from New Jersey or not, should take an envelope and mail in their toll.
I am enclosing the Authority’s latest Annual Report. Along with a narrative on the Authority’s activities for 1996, you will find the report of the Authority’s independent auditors which will answer all your questions concerning payroll and other expenditures.
The Garden State Parkway anticipates implementing E-Z Pass within the next two years. We are part of a consortium of New Jersey toll roads and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and we are proceeding with the implementation with our sister agencies.
The toll authorities you reference were all set up many years ago by the legislatures of New Jersey and New York to provide services based upon the user fee principle. None of them are tax supported.
I hope I have answered your questions and thank you for your interest in the operations of the Garden State Parkway.
Public Affairs Director
Adopt a Terrorist (Canada – Satire)
A concerned Canadian citizen wrote several letters to the government complaining about the treatment of insurgents held in Afghanistan. She received the following reply
National Defense Headquarters
M Gen George R. Pearkes Bldg., 15 NT
101 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K2
Dear Concerned Citizen,
Thank you for your recent letter expressing your profound concern of treatment
of the Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists who were subsequently transferred to the
Afghanistan Government after being captured by Canadian Forces, and are currently being held by Afghan officials in Afghanistan National Correctional System facilities.
Our administration takes these matters seriously and your opinions were heard loud and clear here in Ottawa . You will be pleased to learn, thanks to the concerns of citizens like yourself, we are creating a new department here at the Department of National Defense, to be called ‘Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers’ program, or L.A.R.K.. for short.
In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we have decided, on a trial basis, to divert several terrorists by placing them in homes of concerned citizens and under the personal care of those citizens, such as yourself, around the country.
Your personal detainee has been selected and is scheduled for transportation under heavily armed guard to your residence in Toronto next Monday.
The name of your detainee is Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud, and he is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in your letter of complaint. You will be pleased to know that we will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with your recommendations.
Although Ahmed is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hope that your sensitivity to what you described as his ‘attitudinal problem’ will help him overcome those character flaws. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as mere cultural differences. We understand that you plan to offer counselling and home schooling; however, we strongly recommend that you hire some assistant caretakers.
Please advise any Jewish friends, neighbours or relatives about your house guest, as he might become agitated or even violent, but we are sure you can reason with him. He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, so you may wish to keep those items locked up, unless in your opinion,
this might offend him. Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. We advise that you do not ask him to demonstrate these skills either in your home or wherever you choose to take him while helping him adjust to life in our country
Ahmed will not wish to interact with you or your daughters except sexually, since he views females as a form of property who thereby having no rights, including the right of refusal of his sexual demands. This is a particularly sensitive subject for him.
You also should know that he has shown violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with the dress code that he will recommend as more appropriate attire. I’m sure you will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the burka over time. Just remember that it is all part of respecting his culture and religious beliefs as described in your letter.
You take good care of Ahmed and remember that we will try to have a counsellor available to help you over any difficulties you encounter while Ahmed is adjusting to Canadian culture.
Thanks again for your concern. We truly appreciate it when folks like you keep us informed of the proper way to do our job and care for our fellow man. Good luck and God bless you.
Gordon O’Connor
Minister of Defense
Response to Racial Slur Against Connecticut Couple
Note: This letter was returned to the sender as the address had been changed. If anyone has updated contact information for John Nickerson at the Advocate so we can forward this message to him please let us know.
February 22, 2017
Lexene Charles
Heather Lindsay
C/O John Nickerson, The Advocate
Stamford, CT 06901
Dear Heather Lindsay & Lexene Charles!
I read with disgust your story of humiliation & disrespect that came from a typical bureaucracy at the local level. I know the state of Connecticut has an even worse problem.
If you and your partner want a conservative white man to get more people to help you protest, please let me know. I can be reached at 914-584-7395.
I pray you beat this summons. It is absolutely not justified!
cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
ACLU: Racial slur on Stamford couple’s home could have constitutional protection
By Nelson Oliveira, Stamford Advocate
Updated 7:12 pm, Tuesday, February 21, 2017
STAMFORD — A couple’s decision to leave racist graffiti on their garage door could be protected by the First Amendment if the fine levied against them by the city for blight is found to be extraordinary, a civil liberties lawyer said Tuesday.
“It depends on how the city has used this ordinance in the past and whether it’s been consistent in enforcing it,” Dan Barrett, legal director for the state ACLU, said Tuesday.
The Bulls Head couple has refused the city’s offer to conceal or remove the N-word until police step up their investigation efforts. Homeowner Heather Lindsay, who is white, and Lexene Charles, who is black, found the slur spray-painted outside their home on Jan. 14.
As Lindsay and Charles await information about the culprit responsible for the vandalism, the City of Stamford issued the a blight citation, which carries a $100 daily fine. The daily fines started accruing on Feb. 14.
Barrett said the couple’s decision to keep the slur on their sheet-metal garage door is not unreasonable and helps raise awareness about the impact of racist acts.
“It can show to people that even these awful words sometimes have a place in political discourse,” he said. “They want people to understand what they’re going through – that they are suffering.”
During a news conference outside the home on Monday, the couple’s attorney and representatives of the local and state NAACP chapters called on the Stamford Police Department to conduct a full investigation of the incident and assure the couple that they are safe. Lindsay said the home has been vandalized several times before.
Authorities said neighbors are complaining that the racial slur is disturbing their quiet neighborhood. The blight notice cites several sections of city code regarding blighted properties.
Racial slur painted on garage door in Stamford
By John Nickerson, Stamford Advocate
STAMFORD — As some minorities are fearful of President-elect Donald Trump taking office and many celebrating the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, a city couple said their rights were “violated” this weekend.
A common-law couple found a racial slur spray painted Saturday morning on the garage door outside their Bull’s Head home.
The residence is home to a black man and his white common-law wife in the generally white, middle-class neighborhood.
“It is disgusting and it is something we have under investigation,” Assistant Police Chief Tom Wuennemann said.
Police responded to the High Clear Drive home about 8:30 a.m. Saturday when resident Lexene Charles discovered the n-word painted on the white garage door.
Trump RE: William Binney Interview and NSA Reform
March 8, 2017
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Re: Mr. William Binney
Dear Mr. President,
Last night Lou Dobbs interviewed William Binney, a former NSA senior intelligent officer who voluntarily left the NSA because he did not agree with what they are doing. This man seems to have a real knowledge of what is going on in the intelligence community. He stated that he believes the intelligence community is acting like a praetorian guard trying to orchestrate who they want in as emperor and what they want that emperor to do, rather than follow the laws and the constitution.
The history of the Praetorian Guard is listed here from Britanica.com. “..they generally participated in appointing emperors and were responsible for the accession of Claudius (41); the disorders of 68–69; the lynching of Domitian’s murderers (97); and the murders of Pertinax (193), Elagabalus (222), and Balbinus and Maximus (238). Septimius Severus reorganized the guard in 193, recruiting its members from the legions. Constantine I disbanded them in 312.” Horrifying to say the least!
William Binney also told Lou Dobbs that he would be happy to help you get to the heart of the problem in the intelligence agencies regarding. He suggested you take actions to unfund the agencies in question.
I hope you will consider rehiring him to help clean these swamps in each of the intelligent agencies. I also think part of the problem is having 21 separate agencies which seem unnecessary and ridiculous.
Mr. President; please keep cleaning the swamp! We’re behind you and beside you!
Most Respectfully,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer RE: Letter Response System
March 30, 2017
Office of Mr. Reince Preibus, Chief of Staff
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. Preibus,
I sent President Trump a positive email at the beginning of March and again about a week ago commending him for a job well done. I was shocked to see the following response twice now!
“Hello, Due to the high volume of messages received at this address, the White House is unable to process the email you just sent.”
These are unacceptable Mr. Preibus and please tell President Trump this! I hope you agree! If he wants to remain in touch with the people and with the pulse of the nation, it is imperative that he hire enough people to handle the volume of emails and letters he receives. I have confidence that this will be rectified immediately. I certainly hope you & the President were not aware of this kind of response. Thank you Mr. Preibusr for your attention to this deep concern.
Very Sincerely,
Cc: wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.com
Cc: Mr. Sean Spicer, Press Secretary
March 30, 2017
Office of Press Secretary Sean Spicer
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. Spicer,
I sent President Trump a positive email at the beginning of March and again about a week ago commending him for a job well done. I was shocked to see the following response twice now!
“Hello, Due to the high volume of messages received at this address, the White House is unable to process the email you just sent.”
These are unacceptable Mr. Spicer and please tell President Trump this! I hope you agree! If he wants to remain in touch with the people and with the pulse of the nation, it is imperative that he hire enough people to handle the volume of emails and letters he receives. I have confidence that this will be rectified immediately. I certainly hope you & the President were not aware of this kind of response. Thank you Mr. Spicer for your attention to this deep concern.
Very Sincerely,
Cc: wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.com
New Jersey State Lottery
April 12, 2017
Frank V. Ragazzo, Chairman
New Jersey State Lottery Commission
Attn: Customer Service Dept.
Dear Mr. Ragazzo:
This letter has been a long time coming because like so many of New Jersey’s people time is a deterrent. This issue is a major travesty and everyone involved in correcting this problem should be ashamed of themselves for a myriad of reasons, as should you Mr. Ragazzo. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. As I searched for your name and information it was evident that thousands of other people have complained to you people about this exact same problem. So why the delay in correcting it? Or was it never even brought to the table for discussion which would be distressing! I consider your commission to be irresponsible! It’s embarrassing for us here in New Jersey knowing other states don’t have this problem. So obviously it can be rectified if the right people care enough. Do you? How do you run a commission so hap hazard as to not even correct the same complaint coming to you over and over again? The people the lottery is supposed to help have been robbed!!! Where has your integrity gone?
Here is our major complaint. The machine that’s plugged into a phone line is supposed to read the lottery tickets electronically by reading the bar code. Most of the time they don’t even engage! Usually the red line is there, but sometimes that isn’t even there! Even if it works it is ten times slower than ones in other states. This happens far too often. Shame on you! This break down is state wide and is totally unreliable and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Why haven’t the board members taken care of this issue a long time ago? The complaints have been streaming in endlessly! I see what everyone writes on sites, including yours.
I’m certain you are aware of this. Therefore I have questions that were not answered as I attempted to look them up on your website. They are the following:
• What company manufactures these machines?
• What’s the cost of each unit to purchase?
• How many did the state of NJ purchase?
• When were they first introduced and installed?
• Who is the responsible individual for allowing this calamity?
• What is being done to correct this ongoing terrible defect?
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
Cc: Frank M Scudder
Cc: Patrick P. Toscano, Esq
Cc: Robert Slater
Cc: Al Alvarez, Esq
Cc: Robert James D’Anton
Cc: Governor Chris Christie
Cc: Office of Legislative Services
RE: Defective NJ Lottery Machines
June 7, 2017
Mr. Robert James D’Anton, Commissioner
Lottery Headquarters
Lawrence Park Complex
1333 Brunswick Avenue Circle
P.O. Box 041
Trenton, NJ 08625-0041
ATTN: Commissioner
Mr. Robert James D’Anton,
I wrote to you back in April of this year as well. The merchants as well as the clients continue to be furious over this issue. Please read the full rhetoric below.
This letter has been a long time coming because like so many of New Jersey’s people, time is a deterrent. This issue is a major travesty and everyone involved in correcting this problem should be ashamed of themselves for a myriad of reasons, as should you. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. As I searched for your name and information it was evident that thousands of other people have complained to you people about this exact same problem. Why the delay in correcting it? Or wasn’t it ever brought to the table for discussion? That would be distressing! I consider your commission to be irresponsible! It’s embarrassing for us here in New Jersey knowing other states don’t have this problem. So obviously it can be rectified if the right people care enough. Do you? How do you run a commission so hap hazardly as to not even correct the same complaint coming to you over and over again? The people the lottery is supposed to help have been robbed!!! Where has your integrity gone?
Here is our major complaint. The machine that’s plugged into a phone line is supposed to read the lottery tickets electronically by reading the bar code. Most of the time they don’t even engage! Usually the red line is there, but sometimes that isn’t even there! Even if it works it is ten times slower than the ones in other states. This happens far too often. Shame on you! This break down is state wide and is totally unreliable and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Why haven’t the board members taken care of this issue a long time ago? The complaints have been streaming in endlessly! I see what everyone writes on sites, including yours.
I’m certain you are aware of this. Therefore I have questions that were not answered as I attempted to look them up on your website. They are the following:
• What company manufactures these machines?
• What’s the cost of each unit to purchase?
• How many did the state of NJ purchase?
• When were they first introduced and installed?
• Who is the responsible individual for allowing this calamity?
• What is being done to correct this ongoing terrible defect?
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
CC: Governor Chris Christie
Re: Efficiency and courtesy of your employees; well done!
June 27, 2017
Mr. Scott House
Sussex County Public Works
Office of Roads
One Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Re: Efficiency and courtesy of your employees; well done!
Dear Scott,
On Tuesday, June 20, 2017 I contacted your office & spoke with Michelle who was very nice and very helpful. My concern centered on having some shrubbery needing to be removed which was causing a blind spot on the corner of Meadowlark Drive and Rt. 517 in the Glenwood section of Vernon.
She asked a gentleman to call me within the hour, and he listened carefully to my concern. I did not get his name but he too was exceptionally helpful and got right on the problem!
They cleared the bushes causing the blind spot in less than an hour and immediately everyone driving Rt. 517 was safer. Thank you for a well -run office and Department. Your employees deserve high accommodations for a job well done and in such good time.
Wow!!! They are good! I love telling you this because so often government agencies are lackadaisical; it never gets done or is addressed too late after something serious occurs. Thank you to all involved!
Gratefully Yours,
RE: Defective NYC Transit Machines
Thomas F. Prendergast, CEO
NYC Transit
2 Broadway
Room D11-152
NYC, NY 10004
Dear Thomas F Prendergast :
On June 15, 2017 I was attempting to commute from your 2nd Ave. express bus between 68th & 67th street (M15) I believe. My EasyPay card was rejected by all 3 or 4 machines around 11:20/11:30. The frustration level climbed as my negative experience deepened. I became annoyed since I was trying to get to an appointment on time. I decided to bite the bullet, because this is always a challenge under normal circumstances, and go get change to put in the other machine. It’s not an easy task to get a merchant to give you 12 quarters for $3.00, but I did.
So, I put the necessary quarters in the machine and a notification came up in Spanish!! I don’t speak or read Spanish! Really? At least put it in English too!! I think the machine number was 202.
When I contacted your office yesterday, the 18th, I was told my card was probably bent. It is NOT. It may be difficult to confirm this from the photo I’ve attached but it is NOT bent!
I guess the final draw was the lack of help and the discourteous manner I was treated by the woman I spoke with. It was obvious she was not there to help me, only to give me platitudes. This too was very disconcerting! Her name was Nefertiti.
If you haven’t already, may I suggest you send your customer service people to training so they know proper manners and learn customer service skills. If you have sent them, they need a refresher course. I am requesting a refund as well as an apology Mr. Prendergast. It is my hope that these negligent errors will be rectified within a fair amount of time so others are not being treated as I was and having the same frustrating difficulty! I thank you in advance.
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
RE: MTA Service Disrupted
August 5, 2017
Metropolitan Transit Authority
Joseph J. Lhota, Chairman MTA
Joseph Giulietti, President
420 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017-3739
Dear Mr. Lhota and Mr. Giuletti,
I could not find a mailing address for Mr. Lhota so I request you fax this letter to him as well please.
I guess I’m not really in shock when all the equipment and operations have been so disrupted and the commuters in NY, NJ will be forever inconvenienced because of you, your entire board and the governors of each state not taking care of the system you were entrusted with from the beginning. Every single employee, director, CEO and you should have your salaries cut in half until the entire system is like new. You need to fix it now, not on a bail out from the POTUS infra structure plans. You have run this system for 100 years and never bothered to service it? What a ridiculous set of ethical rules do you live by? I say you all should be fired and governor Cuomo should resign.
I am very disappointed and frustrated with the mess that has occurred in light of what’s been going on. Shame on you, the governors and your workers for being more interested in your own welfare and not that of the public who use this system! Let’s get on board with moving this along at a rapid pace to keep the commuter’s safety and convenience a priority. This has an effect on so many areas of life regarding businesses, health, welfare, security and safety being just the beginning.
All I can say at this point is shame on you! Shame on you!
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
Mayor Wayne Levante RE: School Consolidation
September 18, 2017
Mayor Wayne Levante
39 Trinity Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Dear Mayor Wayne Levante
A big thumbs-up from me regarding your idea to consolidate the schools in Sussex County, Mayor. It’s a no brainer! It will cut education costs, as you’ve said and prioritize where the money should go which is to our children; and will cut taxes! It’s a win win situation.
The dip in school enrollment makes it evident that something has to be done soon and consolidating schools is a fantastic idea! Our population is dwindling for a number of reasons but one main reason is the school taxes.
Administrative costs definitely need to be cut as well. Twenty five superintendents are absolutely ridiculous! There’s too much overhead with a lower student count as you have said. I totally agree!
If everyone does their homework checking into this I’ll bet the roar would be loud in support of this. Let’s get this resolution passed in every district so we can get a handle on this before the next school year of 2018 – 2019. This is vital for the growth of Sussex County! We want to move forward with the needs of the population.
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
CC: NJ Herald
CC: The Advertiser News
Mayor Wayne Levante RE: School Consolidation
September 18, 2017
Joanne M. Mahoney, Chairman
NYS Thruway Authority
303 S. Broadway
Tarrytown, NY 10591-5413
Dear Ms. Joanne M. Mahoney
I read in the NJ Herald newspaper that the westbound portion of the new bridge opened on August 25. However, I was shocked at the name. Could you kindly tell me how this name was chosen and when? Also, what is the final cost of this bridge and who is paying for it?
I would never have named it after Mario M. Cuomo; the biggest spender and ego ever known in NYS. What is wrong with naming it after a bird or flower in the area? Better yet, why not name it after a military hero? Who made this choice?
Furthermore, this past week-end I had a wedding to attend in Conn. I was shocked at the awful conditions of the NYS Thruway. As soon as I-84 crossed over from NYS to Conn., there was a huge difference. The conditions on the Connecticut side were great! It was as if they had just paved their side.
There is way too much money spent by the NYS Thruway that is wasteful. When is the last time you hired a consultant to show you and your staff the errors in their ways? Perhaps now is a good time.
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
CC: NY Times
CC: NJ Herald News
CC: The Record
Bcc: Greg Biryla Ex Director of Unshackle Upstate Coalition
Slot Machines Still Defective
October 11, 2017
Mr. Robert James D’Anton, Commissioner
Lottery Headquarters
Lawrence Park Complex
1333 Brunswick Avenue Circle
P.O. Box 041
Trenton, NJ 08625-0041
ATTN: Commissioner
Mr. Robert James D’Anton,
I have written twice about this issue; once in April and another time in June of this year. I see no change in the system and have not received any response from you at all. What an insult! Where is your integrity? The merchants as well as the clients continue to be furious over this issue. Please read the full rhetoric below.
This issue continues to be a major travesty and everyone involved in correcting this problem should be ashamed of themselves for a myriad of reasons, as should you. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. As I searched for your name and information it was evident that thousands of other people have complained to you about this exact same problem. Why the continued delay in correcting it? Or wasn’t it ever brought to the table for discussion? That would be distressing! I consider your commission to be irresponsible! It’s embarrassing for us here in New Jersey knowing other states don’t have this problem. So obviously it can be rectified if the right people care enough. Do you? How do you run a commission so haphazardly as to not even correct the same complaint coming to you over and over again? The people the lottery is supposed to help are daily being robbed!!! Where has your integrity gone?
Here is our major complaint. The machine that’s plugged into a phone line is supposed to read the lottery tickets electronically by reading the bar code. Most of the time they don’t even engage! Usually the red line is there, but sometimes that isn’t even there! Even if it works it is ten times slower than the ones in other states. This happens far too often. Shame on you! This break down is state wide and is totally unreliable and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Why haven’t the board members taken care of this issue a long time ago? The complaints have been streaming in endlessly! I see what everyone writes on sites, including yours.
I’m certain you are aware of this. Therefore I have questions that were not answered as I attempted to look them up on your website or in response to my other two letters! They are the following:
• What company manufactures these machines?
• What’s the cost of each unit to purchase?
• How many did the state of NJ purchase?
• When were they first introduced and installed?
• Who is the responsible individual for allowing this calamity?
• What is being done to correct this ongoing terrible defect?
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
CC: Governor Chris Christie
CC: Phil Murphy
CC: Kim Guadagno
Response from assemblyman
To Jerry Jones RE: Goodell Contract
November 28, 2017
Jerry Jones, Owner
Dallas Cowboys
Center One
Dallas, Texas 75063
Dear Jerry:
I commend and congratulate you for your objection to the contract extension of Commissioner Roger Goodell. I fully support you in this matter. I find it repulsive that there is even any discussion about keeping him on!
Roger Goodell lacks so much but is even lacking in basic management skills. The salary he takes for having such lack of judgment and disrespect is shameful in the least as well.
It is my strong opinion that he should be fired. Please feel free to share this with anyone you wish. God Bless you for challenging this awful situation.
The entire NFL needs to take the pulse of the people and show deserved respect for this country. So much of this political correctness is taken to the point of being destructive, is not even reasonable and ends up being reverse discrimination.
Thank you for taking a stand that supports this great country of ours. You have earned my respect sir.
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
Is Renaming the Tapanzee Bridge Lawful?
December 1, 2017
To whom it may concern:
Under what legal grounds can a family member have a bridge named after them without the approval from the tax payers? Is this lawful? Do you find this insulting? Was this underhanded or corrupt? What great contribution has either of them made to deserve such an honor? Who should legally make such decisions? Where have we gone that there is now blatant nepotism and narcissism at every turn without a conscience?
Surely it would be acceptable if it was crossing wetlands, and the Native Americans and/or our Military heroes should have such an honor bestowed upon them.
The cost of changing the name of this bridge has been exorbitant and so typical of both administrations, making them even less deserving. Such a terrible waste of time and taxpayer’s money!
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
To FBI Director Wray RE: Corruption
December 16, 2017
Christopher Wray, FBI Director
FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Dear Mr. Director,
What a disappointment in the hearing December 7th before the House Judiciary Committee. Not only was it shown that there is a lack of integrity to tell the truth regarding the corruption in Washington that keeps growing, but the congressmen never explained that they have the power to take on this disgusting corruption! This just escalates the deceit and corruption in everybody’s minds! Certainly that is not really news to anyone but some must think the American people are naïve or ignorant. Well we’re not!!
While I respect your choice to say good things about the 35,000 FBI agents, (a scary number when trying to keep your former reputation – as well as it looking like an uncontrollable mob), it also skirts the main issue here. Why is our premiere law enforcement agency becoming a laughing stock as the unjust continue to have the bright light shown on them? You should have cleaned house right after you were sworn in back in August of this year.
There doesn’t seem to be a plan on the horizon to overhaul this agency from the top down. At least it’s not being spoken of from the people’s perspective. If there are plans we’d sure appreciate news on that. Mr. Wray.
Also, there’s the fact that the corruption and poor management began under Mr. Mueller’s helm. How could Mr. Rosenstein have appointed anyone when he has a big conflict that now adds another blemish to your agency?
What a terrible state of affairs! What an embarrassment to the American people! Shame on all of you! This is not the FBI I had respect for many years ago.
I would certainly appreciate hearing back from you with honest up to date responses to these concerns other than something generic without substance.
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
Cc: Congressman Trey Gowdy
Cc; Congressman Louie Gohmert
Cc: Congressman Jim Jordan
To Rep. Josh Gottheimer RE: Phone Scam Harassment
January 3, 2018
Josh Gottheimer, Congressman
213 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Josh Gottheimer,
Re: Telephone/cell phone scams with rudeness.
There was a bill passed years ago where I could put my name on a “do not call” list. Well it’s not working. I still get calls from the Philippines, Pakistan, Central America and the USA. They obviously don’t adhere to the measures set up. How do I report them?
The most irritating part is that I get calls from politicians I have not asked to receive or agree to. I’ve asked them to stop with no avail.
There is a wide range of people all over feeling the same way; so say my friends and neighbors. It’s harassment plain & simple, and needs to be stopped immediately.
I’d like to know what you’re doing about it. I’d also like to know what other measures I can take to alleviate these irritants. Please advise asap
Very Truly Yours,
Response from Josh Gottheimer (In form of Letter to the Editor
Cc: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
To Geraldo Rivera RE: Comments on Clinton Emails
January 07, 2018
Office of Geraldo Rivera
Fox News
1211 Avenue of the Americas
Floor 17
New York, NY 10036
Dear Geraldo,
I have watched you since your days as an undercover correspondent up to your current position on Fox News. I have always had great respect for you doing what you did to show the public just how our system of Justice really works. You put your life at risk doing those undercover drug busts and for that alone I have the utmost respect for you; however your opinion on the Hillary Clinton Emails has changed that opinion. As a lawyer, who I thought viewed our system of justice as; “Equal Justice under Law” you have failed terribly. Your adamant exoneration of the flagrant violation of federal laws concerning the handling of Classified Information that was found not only on Hillary Clintons personal home brewed server but on her assistant Huma Abedin’s personal computer and on her ex-husband Anthony Weiner’s lap top computer. When was Anthony Weiner given clearance to look at these emails yet alone have them on his computer? Even with this undisputable evidence you still defend Hillary and feel that the Clintons should, in your own words, “Just let it go”.
Really Geraldo, just let it go, forget about it like it never happened?? How dare you as an officer of the Court just let these investigations as egregious as they were in every way just vaporize because the Clintons “really don’t matter anymore”! I guess anyone who is suspect in a crime should get a Hillary Clinton Get out of Jail Free card from now on. Come on Geraldo, you can’t be serious. This investigation by the FBI under the disgusting leadership of James Comey, who admitted these classified documents were mishandled and an admitted leaker himself is all the more reason all of these investigations needed to be reopened and done by FBI offices outside of the Washington Slime pit. It’s about time there are some in the Government who have half a brain and realize that something here has a lot of stink on it. Thank God we have the likes of Sean Hannity, Sara Carter and John Solomon from Circa news and the Hill who are reporting the facts to us and were the catalyst to getting these investigations going again.
Shame on you for defending these horrible people! Their interests were personal greed and power. Now they have to answer for their actions, no different than the rest of us. Hopefully justice will be served and we can put this behind us and move forward with “Making America Great Again”! Amen!
Yours truly,
cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
MTA RE: Service Disruption
August 5, 2017
Metropolitan Transit Authority
Joseph J. Lhota, Chairman MTA
Joseph Giulietti, President
420 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017-3739
Dear Mr. Lhota and Mr. Giuletti,
I could not find a mailing address for Mr. Lhota so I request you fax this letter to him as well please.
I guess I’m not really in shock when all the equipment and operations have been so disrupted and the commuters in NY, NJ will be forever inconvenienced because of you, your entire board and the governors of each state not taking care of the system you were entrusted with from the beginning. Every single employee, director, CEO and you should have your salaries cut in half until the entire system is like new. You need to fix it now, not on a bail out from the POTUS infra structure plans. You have run this system for 100 years and never bothered to service it? What a ridiculous set of ethical rules do you live by? I say you all should be fired and governor Cuomo should resign.
I am very disappointed and frustrated with the mess that has occurred in light of what’s been going on. Shame on you, the governors and your workers for being more interested in your own welfare and not that of the public who use this system! Let’s get on board with moving this along at a rapid pace to keep the commuter’s safety and convenience a priority. This has an effect on so many areas of life regarding businesses, health, welfare, security and safety being just the beginning.
All I can say at this point is shame on you! Shame on you!
Very Truly Yours,
Cc: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
JCP&L RE: Winter Storms
March 6, 2018
Mr. Charles Jones
Chief Executive Officer
Jersey Central Power and Light
55 River Ave.
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Dear Charles Jones,
I wrote you twice in the last 18 months about the electrical failure in February 2017 and how you might improve on preparing for successive storms. Those letters indicated two potentially hazardous and compromising locations on Rt. 515 in Vernon, NJ and another on Rt. 565 in Vernon, NJ. The suggestion was to take down a pole and a tree in those areas to prevent a dangerous situation. Your Asplund line crews that we see 9 out of 12 months cutting along the lines could have rectified those issues but nothing was done! Your coordinator or line supervisor called me and would not put in writing that there was no problem found on either of the roads. Well, I drove by both locations and sure enough they were culprits in the overall geography of problems you just had during this storm just a year later. And now we’re in the midst of yet another storm! I worry about the repercussions from this one because you refused to do similar functions on trees and poles.
Just how long did you all think those bending boughs, knotted branches would continue bowing before a calamity would hit? The heaviness of spring snow is always a threat to crack the tree limbs. Again not a difficult assessment; spring snow is almost always heavy and there are even poems and stories written about March winds which often begin the end of February. Come on Mr. Jones!
The Ohio Edison Company was the true hero to the rate payers of JCP&L during the storm the end of February this year. JCP&L had ridiculous communications issues, and their preparation in anticipation of the approaching storm was inept – being surprised by the magnitude or not. We, the public were hearing about the high winds and large snowfall coming for several days prior to the storm so you heard it as well.
Is there a reason you don’t prepare depending on weather predictions like they ask individual homeowners to do? I’d sure be interested to hear that answer. You serve us because we pay you!! Not the other way around! We do everything we can on our end and with no complaints because these storms cannot be controlled. God is in control. We get that.
Your phone clerk on Monday, February 26th, insisted that this was an “Act of God” therefore not your fault. The storm was an act of God but the neglect was NOT! Let’s not be shortsighted here and start the blame game as well, especially blaming the Almighty for your own blunders. Wow!
You and Asplund were to blame for the failures to cut down trees that looked threatening and refusals to cut deeper into branches that could be a threat earlier on. It doesn’t take an expert to see where the potential hazards were, obviously! I saw some last year and even warned you!
Please understand that I am not criticizing your line men/women; God Bless their fine work and that of their fellow Ohio professional line people. I commend them for their hard work.
I am criticizing the leadership of JCP&L from you down to the head of communications for your lack of public relations with your customers. That includes you and your entire executive committee. I include First Energy leadership as well.
The time has come for a complete review of your operations and failures caused by incompetence. There’s a huge failure to even be understanding and polite to “We the People” that pay you your high salaries. Your yearly revenue is listed as $86.9 million. The average salary of just a lineman is about $55,000 a year. Engineers are making about $80,000 per year. Certainly your salary is well beyond that! There’s too much money being paid to you and your fellow executives.
Why don’t you go into a 10 year program to bury all electrical wires? I know your answer, it’s all about money. Money is what it cost you to pay for all the overtime, Ohio Electric and Asplund.
I’m certain you could apply to the POTUS for some of the infrastructure funding to bury the wire. I will help you Lobby this one. What a shining example you would be.
I may be a neophyte, but I want to find out how, when, and why JCP&L has the right to this franchised area and why we can’t switch over to Sussex Rural Electric that represents their clients with kindness and seriousness of care and daily communication. I’ll expect an answer to this and my other queries Mr. Jones.
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
CC: Governor Phil Murphy
CC: Senator Steve V. Oroho
CC: Mayor Harry Shortway
CC: Assemblyman Parker Space
CC: Assemblyman Harold J. Wirths
CC: Charles Jones, President First Energy
CC: Leila L. Vespoli, Executive Vice President,
CC: James F. Pearson, Executive Vice President, Finance FirstEnergy Corp.
CC: New Jersey Herald Editor
CC: Board of Public Utilities
CC: Tucker Carlson, Fox News
Response from County Administrator
To Mayor Harry Shortway RE: National Day of Prayer
Mayor Harry Shortway
C/O Vernon Township Municipal Building
21 Church Street
Vernon, NJ 07462
April 30, 2018
Dear Mayor Shortway,
This Thursday, May 3, 2018 is our nation’s annual National Day of Prayer. Pastor Nick Fontana of the McAfee Bible/Faith with Love Fellowship Church leads an excellent one hour presentation/service in front of the Vernon Municipal Building. It is open to the public to attend. Some participants pray and ask for blessings for the United States, our leaders, our town, schools, emergency responders, political candidates, our military and more. We usually sing “America the Beautiful” and “God Bless America,” along with a couple of hymns.
Since it begins at noon, there is a lot of employee activity from the Municipal Building. I often wonder what they think is going on and hope that they know they can join us if they were only aware of the information. We would love them to join us but at least to have them know why we are there would be great.
Is it possible to send an inter-office memo to all departments letting employees know this is a gathering of all denominations thanking God for all His blessings on this great country and that they are invited to join us even if just for a few minutes?
Best regards,
CC: www.Wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
To Tucker Carlson RE: Rude Interruptions
April 10, 2018
Mr. Tucker Carlson
C/O Fox News Channel
400 N Capitol St NW Ste 550
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Tucker Carlson,
I have been one of your biggest fans since you first appeared on talk shows so please know that I rarely miss the evening shows on FNC. You are to be commended for your excellence and fine work. I respect and admire you Tucker. Let those words stand above the rest.
In the interest of your program, I have wanted to write you since you began in the time slot you now enjoy about something that annoys me to no end for everyone involved. I have a suggestion. Why not use the red light buzzer you have to allot only a certain amount of time for the guest to falsify their statements. Then set off that warning so they are aware that if they continue to be disrespectful they will get cut off? Watching them ramble on and on about nonsense and false information is VERY upsetting to the viewer! It has to be to you as well.
I mean really, with all due respect what is the sense of allowing them to rant on & on drowning out your voice? Besides the fact that it is just downright rude we can’t hear what you’re saying. We’ve lost our manners on and off the screen and in my opinion it has to stop. Please be a forerunner and correct this irritating practice. Restore dignity back to our programming and show them that you mean business at the same time.
Keep up your otherwise fine work.
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
CC: Eddie Bess
May 30, 2018
Karen Durham, Executive Director
Army National Memorial Cemeteries
21 Harewood Road, NW
Washington, DC
Dear Ms. Karen Durham,
I watched with interest the 60 minute segment about your predicament with the number of graves remaining. Something was wrong with your presentation, or was it with 60 Minutes?
My father died in 1996 and my family was advised that the cemetery was at capacity then and could only take active military officers. We were told this despite the fact that Duane M. Paul, Sr. attended the Naval Academy and was Lt. Commander during WWII serving in the south Pacific.
Why were we misled in 1996?
Why is it you didn’t resolve the problem in the last 22 years?
There is a simple if not costly remedy. It has been a long time since I was last at Arlington, but there were several housing developments I thought could have been a possibility. For all I know you already tried these? I have been a real estate land broker for 42 years and have never seen a situation when the government at any level wants more land they go into condemnation proceedings and have always gotten their way. Is this not a possibility?
I would be willing to come down and work on this “free of charge” if you would like.
CC: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
To President Trump RE: Citizen Funding for Wall
May 29, 2018
President Donald J. Trump
The White House Office
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Donald Trump,
This letter will explain in part what WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org tried to do but was thwarted by an organization because of government regulations and the GOFUNDME Terms and Conditions.
It was our greatest hope that we could muster up a great deal of support for donations surrounding the building of the Wall on our southern border. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org set out to obtain permission from the GOFUNDME organization and was in the process of presenting it to you once we received a go-ahead from them. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org would not have gone ahead with it until you ok’d it and gave us your complete seal of approval.
WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org hoped this to be a viable hope of collecting money from the American people to send contributions to a specific fund through a specific bank and then on to you, upon your approval. At that point WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org would advertise everywhere we could in newspapers, on our website and on social Medias such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter etc.
It could have worked except evidently government regulations forbid us as citizens to strive for such an endeavor because of the “political” implications. They claim what we’re trying to do is Lobby but we don’t agree. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org just wanted to raise funds for the Wall. It’s not an infrastructure funding issue. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org just want desperately to help you protect us against illegals. This is not political; it is a sincere patriotic gesture from American People who want to protect our borders from illegal people crossing it and drug traffickers. No political parties are involved. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org just want to help raise funds to help you, President Trump, to satisfy one of your promises to the American people.
How can it be a breach of federal law if we were naming you as the one to direct the destination of the funds? If you are not verifiable, who is? The gifts would have been earmarked for this specific use only under US Jurisdictional auspices, nothing else.
Our decision to write you anyway, after trying so hard to follow through with this is to advise you of regulations you may not know exist. Later on in this letter I will copy and paste correspondence to GOFUNDME and their response. Also, enclosed is the original letter sent them asking for their help to organize these contributions from US citizens.
WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org felt certain enough people would be willing to give generously since Congress seems to be stopping you at every turn. It seems, in contrast, that the Lobbyists are the ones controlling Congress. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org simply wanted to give the American people a chance to speak through this agenda since our letters to our Congressmen and Senators seem to be hitting deaf ears the past year!
Our disappointment is real and WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org feel cheated out of trying to help you & the rest of America in this important venture. Please know WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org support you and all your efforts in this matter. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org wish to help in any way possible if you have other suggestions.
God richly bless you, Melania, Vice President Pence, Karen and your families. WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org are praying hard for God’s perfect will.
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
Directly below you will find the original letter sent to Jared at GOFUNDME answering his questions. </3m>
May 22, 2018
Community Management Team
Dear Jared,
This is not political. It is a patriotic gesture from American people who want to protect our borders from illegal people crossing it and from drug traffickers. No political parties are involved. It is simply for raising funds to help out the President of the United States to satisfy one of his promises to the American people. It was one of the main reasons he won, and the US Congress refuses to make it happen because of their ugly control by the LOBYISTS
This is shameful behavior & destructive to our country. Just how many illegals do we have and how many more are coming? Our government cannot answer that question. Let’s stand up for our country and its citizens NOW!
MS 13 gangs in other countries are sending these people to our country to get rid of their own problems and place their burdens on us! This simply is not fair! It has to stop! Our hospitals are losing money, our country is losing money. They are sucking our social services.dry. In short time we will all be kicking ourselves if we don’t do this ASAP!
Americans are not anti-immigration. We are all immigrants.
We can’t blame most of them for wanting to come to this great nation, but there has to be a limit as to how many are here for the sake of our own legal citizens finding jobs, getting affordable healthcare etc!
No more APATHY! The US Congress & the US Senate won’t work on this! Let us work on this and show our support. Let’s make a difference!
Our goal with this site is to take our own hard earned money and make a healthy contribution to an agency the President of the United States trusts; let them hold the funds subject to President Trump deciding how it gets distributed to build the wall. He only needs to ask once and we will release the funds to that agency immediately.
Our goal is twofold.
1. Show these archaic groups of politicians that “WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org” can raise funds without their mantra and their taxing us to the poor house.
2. To hold the funds in an interest bearing account at Greater Hudson Bank Headquarters, 715 Route 304, Bardonia, NY 10954 until the President instructs us what agency to release it to.
Unfortunately these contributions wont’ be tax deductible, but we can tell Congress to reduce the deficit or spending bill by the amount we raise.
Both political parties are responsible for the mess in this country that was handed over to the President. It’s disgraceful but it CAN be rectified one thing at a time. Building the wall is imperative!
If the DC establishment refuses to open their eyes “WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org” will scream in each of their ears to leave the nation’s capitol. In November “WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org” must vote them all out of office.
Please become engaged by using every tech/social media you know to spread the word. Our nation deserves nothing short of success.
In the end “WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES.ORG” will make out one check for “THE WALL” & give it to President Trump with the understanding that it all goes toward building the wall minus a 3% maximum platform & processing fee to “GOFUNDME”.
By the way, as of this writing President Trump has no knowledge of this effort. He will be notified once this is approved and is ready to be placed on the site.
“WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org” has always thought & still do that the 2016 election was a wakeup call for the entire US. Our country is still in need of our help. We hope you agree and will support this effort.
OK, are you ready for this? “WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org” need to raise 21 billion dollars to fund the wall. Congress won’t fund even a portion of it so “WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org” must try! Monumental yes! Can we do it though? YES!
Most American’s never get involved in politics, but this is a cause worth fighting for. Each & every one of us needs to show the cartels over our borders that we’ve had enough!
“WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org” need to send a message that “enough is enough”! No more room for all these obstructionists.
Breaking the entrenched establishments of unrelenting government promises, an over bloated bureaucracy by so called republicans, democrats and corporate America participants needs to stop NOW!
God bless you and our wonderful nation.
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
The following came from the Management Team at GOFUNDME after I sent them the letter attached which answered all their questions.
Community Management Team (GoFundMe)
May 18, 1:32 PM PDT
Hi xxxx,
Thanks so much for reaching out today and for choosing GoFundMe.
In order to proceed with this campaign, we would need to know the following:
1. A clear explanation of how you know the beneficiary/ies
2. A clear plan on how you intend to deliver the donations to the beneficiary/ies
Once this is clear, please reply directly to this email, and a member of our Community Management Team will review your account within one business day. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you,
Community Management Team
Ideas for NJ Herald Vernon Special Section
July 2, 2018
Mr. Bruce Tomlinson, Exec. Editor
New Jersey Herald
2 Spring St.
Newton, NJ 07860
Re: The June 24th special section “Focus on Vernon Township”
Dear Mr. Tomlinson:
I thought the special section on Sunday, June 24th was wonderful! It showed a wide array of areas in our community to be a part of. It sure complemented our town and made us all feel proud. Thank you.
There was one important aspect I feel strongly that was neglected, however. There was not a single column or special section devoted to the many excellent churches & synagogues in our great town of Vernon. If I’m not mistaken there are at least nine.
This is an important aspect of many of our lives and deserves to be shown on such a list with your special sections.
An example of you missing the target is the fact that my faithful church to the community, Glenwood Baptist is going to be celebrating our 180th year anniversary on September 23rd!
Is there some way you can reach out to each congregation and ask them for any updated information that would interest our Vernon residents?
What a fabulous outreach this could be! Perhaps your religion editor could facilitate this endeavor. Thank you for your consideration and understanding all these lines.
CC: WWW.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
CC: Pastor Edgir Jean, Glenwood Baptist Church
CC: Mayor Harry Shorway
CC: Jean Murphy, president of town council
CC: Pastor Nick Fontana, Faith with Love Fellowship
Follow Up with JCP&L: Non-response to Safety Concerns
Mr. Charles Jones
Chief Executive Officer
Jersey Central Power and Light
300 Madison Ave.
Morristown, NJ 07960
August 21, 2018
Dear Chuck Jones,
I had hoped you would have had the courtesy to follow up with me after my inquiry back in March and April of this year but to no avail. I have attached the previous letters again for your convenience. Have you totally ignored my concerns in favor of your company bottom line and profits?
Also, the mailing in my last bill that states “tree trimming” is a misnomer. First Energy is looking to their stock and bond position and cheating those of us that know how long it takes you to correct your mistakes.
I go down some main roads and can see a potential repeat issue coming if we should have a bad hurricane season and winter.
As mentioned in my previous letters; there are utility poles leaning, probably only being held up by the cables crossing them. There are hundreds of locations with tree branches covering wires like a blanket on a baby that have potential devastating repercussions!
It was and still is my opinion that as rate payers we deserve better communication at the very least and a definite improvement on service. Your rate payers are so upset that they want to replace JCP&L, but you and the PUC, that you are in bed with, won’t allow it. This is political nonsense and hypocritical!
I look forward to a timely response from you Mr. Jones.
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
CC: Mayor Harry Shortway
CC: Board of Public Utilities: Board of Public Utilities, Mary-Ann Holden, Commissioner
Letter to the Editor: Gas Tax Hike
Jeanine Straus Article: Journalists Are Not the Enemy of the People (Response Below)
Response (Original Clipping & Text)
Ms. Jeanne Straus, President
Advertiser North News
1 Main Street #9
Sparta, NJ 0781
September 20, 2018
Re: Viewpoints “Journalists are not the enemy of the people”
Dear Jeanne:
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your editorial on fake news. I compliment you on never editorializing.
You have totally missed the issue that President Trump continues to try to make you and others understand. I am 75 years old and have always, every day of my life, read & listened to slanted & fake news by your fellow journalists.
Journalism and/or journalists have always been, and I fear forever will be, known as dishonest because after all is said and done it is proven over and over again that what was said was not the facts but an exaggeration and/or very biased opinion of the twisted truth to suit their own agenda.
I don’t know why they can’t keep their opinions to themselves and present the news in an unbiased way.
I thought that was what Journalism school taught their students. Why can’t simple facts be stated without an opinion attached to them?
To quote you, “Honest journalism is a vital part of any decent society” is something I agree with. Could we please see just that?
We are intelligent enough to form our own opinions after hearing just all the true facts. The press is what has been the dangerous issue. People now are finally willing to stand up to the truth because we’re so very tired of not hearing it in an unbiased way.
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
Letter to Katie Calvacca RE: Church Testimony
Glenwood Baptist Church
1863 Route 565
PO Box 314
Glenwood, NJ 07418
December 15, 2018
Center for Prevention & Counseling and The Vernon Coalition
ATT: Katie Calvacca
61 Spring Street
Newton, NJ
Dear Katie:
Please accept our apologies for the delay of this letter. The first letter written back in November was returned to us. May the Lord bestow on you and your family abounding blessings this Christmas and throughout 2019.
On behalf of Pastor Edgir Jean & our entire church we want to thank you for your informative and encouraging testimony this past Sunday, November 25th.
The Lord has truly blessed you with a gift of open conversation about what must have been a painful time in your life. We pray that you continue this journey of opening other’s eyes to the love of Christ through the painful ordeal you lived through.
We are certain your testimony is having an impact on many and thank God for your obedience to His call on your life. If Glenwood Baptist Church can be of any assistance you please let us know. May God continue to bless you and the Vernon Coalition as well as other well meaning organizations in the county.
In Christ Jesus’ name,
Glenwood Baptist Church
xxxx, Deacon
On behalf of Reverend Edgir
CC: The Vernon Coalition
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.com
December 15, 2018
Ms. Rebecca Dorney
C/O Vernon Coalition
61 Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Dear Rebecca,
Please accept our apologies for the delay of this letter. The first letter written back in November was returned to us. May the Lord bestow on you and your family abounding blessings this Christmas and throughout 2019.
On behalf of Pastor Edgir Jean & our entire church we want to thank you for your informative and encouraging testimony this past Sunday, November 25th.
The Lord has truly blessed you with a gift of open conversation about what must have been a painful time in your life. We pray that you continue this journey of opening other’s eyes to the love of Christ through the painful ordeal you lived through.
We are certain your testimony is having an impact on many and thank God for your obedience to His call on your life. If Glenwood Baptist Church can be of any assistance you please let us know. May God continue to bless you and the Vernon Coalition as well as other well meaning organizations in the county.
In Christ Jesus’ name,
Glenwood Baptist Church
xxxx, Deacon
On behalf of Reverend Edgir
CC: Katie Calvacca c/o Center for Prevention
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.com
NJ Herald RE: School Consolidation
Name and Address Redacted
January 14, 2020
NJ Herald Editor
2 Spring Street
Newton, NJ 07860
Dear Editor:
Tris Tristram’s letter to the editor on January 5th was very informative and triggered great interest in my opinion. Thank you for running it. It stirred up some questions in my mind and probably others as well.
Could I challenge Mr. Fred Cook to respond to Tris Tristan’s comments? Could I also challenge Senator Steve Oroho, Assemblyman Harold Wirth and Assemblyman Parker Space to respond as well?
These are vital considerations for our communities and deserve top understanding and clarity of details. We shouldn’t let this issue go unnoticed, and especially with no responses. It’s my hope that others feel the same way I do and will reach out in whatever avenue they feel led to so the clear comprehension will give way to deeper insight and full active participation in resolving this concern.
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.org
CC: Assemblyman Hal Wirth
CC: Assemblyman Parker Space
CC: Senator Steve Oroho
Letter RE: Salesian Ministries Sweepstakes
March 10, 2020
Father Gus Baek, S.D.B., Director
Salesian Missions
2 Lefevre Lane
New Rochelle, NY 10801
Dear Father Baek:
May I begin by expressing my appreciation to you and all who work with you to provide trades, teaching tools and self sufficiency to so many young people and in so many areas of the world. Surely God blesses you all in return as well.
Is it possible for you to send me the names of the last two winners for your most recent sweepstakes?
I know I should trust the Salesian Society & your Missions, but a discussion with another individual has caused me to write you. In addition, I know these things should be public.
Thanks & God Bless!
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
Congressional Letter: PPP is Bankrupt!!!
US Representative Josh Gottheimer
Newton District Office
93 Spring Street, Suite 408
Newton, NJ 07860
April 20, 2020
Dear Congressman Gotheimer:
I received your response email to my most recent letter and am beyond shocked at your lack of care and concern to address the base issue put forth in my letter. As usual, you have ignored the main concern and slid right back into your own selfish agendas with side notes on how wonderful you are. I know about the Cares Act and the money that has already been allotted for individual Americans etc. I’m aware of the difficulties with the economy, how hard you’re working to correct certain problems and the overall concerns of the virus. I want to thank you for all of that. I know you’ve been working hard to help this situation but honestly, you’re not hitting the nail on the head. That’s not what I was addressing and you know it!
I implore you and your colleagues in Congress to stop using the virus as a step off platform to get other things passed that are NOT essential! Come on!
You elitists have no idea how the majority of Americans live financially. You’re in your own little private world of insensitivity. Step out of your safety net and try; just try to imagine not knowing where your next meal is coming from because you have no job, no business to run and a family of four to feed! Then try to imagine that there’s little hope on the horizon from the people you’ve HIRED to step up to the plate and help you in just this kind of emergency!
Your response is nonsense! You are explaining to me what congress did but you left out that the PPP is out of money. (Paycheck Protection Program for those who don’t know who read this on the website or in the paper)
You and your party led by The Honorable Nancy Pelosi refused to increase the fund for small business. Shame on you and shame on your Leader!! Disgraceful is not a strong enough word. And please stop showing off your mansions and refrigerators full of food on national TV when so many in our country are going to bed hungry. I speak of your friend, Nancy Pelosi on the news. Sickening and it sure screams selfish and insensitive. Are you all that ignorant of what’s really going on here? If not then take a stand against this lack of common sense. PLEASE!
Why don’t you and all of Congress and the US Senate give up your pay until the last COVID-19 case is gone? I am serious! Come down off your high horse and have some compassion – REAL compassion! What’s the old saying? Put your money where your mouth is!
You’ve become so uncompromising over the past several years and that’s awful on its own; but to be so stubborn and insensitive to the needs of the American people during a very serious potentially life threatening pandemic is disgusting!! There’s very little respect left for you!
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
CC:NJ Herald, NJ Star Ledger, Advertiser News, Warren Reporter & Star Gazette
COVID War Bonds – A Pitch to the WH Press Secretary
May 20, 2020
Kayleigh McEnany, Press Secretary
C/O The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Hi Kayleigh:
Just want to tell you that I congratulate you on your new assignment. You are doing a fantastic job!
I was going to write the president, but he never responds, which I understand. I had a thought that I was hoping you would suggest to him. Maybe it has been thought of, but I figured it was worth mentioning regardless.
I would really like to know why the US Treasury can’t sell covid-19 war bonds to cover all this spending. I can’t believe we can’t raise the funds in this country without selling our debt to China.
Another good name for them could be WUHAN Debt Bonds.
Keep up your fine work and patience.
Very Truly Yours,
CC: www.wethepeopleoftheunitedstates.com