You hear about this all the time: Some low grade company in China makes a product and markets it to the middle class, which usually ends up worse for the wear. Corporate greed repeats the same tired pattern over and over: Take a piece of garbage, package it up real nicely so people will buy it on looks, rather than quality. Now produce this item for pennies, and retail it for dollars. The rich get richer and the middle class goes down the drain. It isn’t just China, either: This is what is going on all over the world and people like George Soros get ultra-rich off it and buy their politicians for their own greed. This is the downside to Capitalism. If the rich stop being greedy, then this system can work, however this is not always the case.
I think a guy like Donald Trump could change this. Granted he is very wealthy, but he also is a realist and he understands that people need to be able to work and get paid fairly. Otherwise investments won’t make their way back down to the business world. The alternative to this is politicians like Clinton, who think they have to keep taxing the wealthy to keep the money supply moving.
Unfortunately, the greed in this country is so bad it could be our demise, no question about it. We are going down the toilet faster than we know. Fortunately, Trump has a personal stake in this as well: He knows his lifetime investment in building a very successful company could vaporize. It’s said the definition of insanity is doing the same old thing over and over expecting different results. Corporate America is treading that line, and I think Trump knows it.
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