Often time gun control advocates invoke the UK and Europe in general as examples of what “effective” and “reasonable” gun control looks like. But this comparison is flawed and inaccurate and harmful when attempting to understand the culture of Europe and America. They also overlook another European nation…
The Federalist put it in the plainest of terms when describing Six Reasons Right-Wingers are not changing their minds on the subject of Gun Control. At Number 5 the answer is simple, regarding gun laws in other countries. Americans do not care.
Comparing laws and customs and how each country or person does something isn’t new. Something else that isn’t new is how gun control advocates cling to Australia and the UK and act as though everyone should adapt to their model. But this can never work in America. The biggest reason is the courtesy over right. Her in America, we have a Constitution which guarantees our protection from government. The government cannot pass laws in favor or against a particular religion, it cannot limit freedom of speech, nor can it prevent our right to self-defense.
The Founding Fathers believed that a government that was too powerful was dangerous, and they were right. The bigger the government, the more problems the people have. The 2nd Amendment is within a document titles the Bill of Rights. It is not the bill of favors of courtesies and while it is an amendment there is a reason it is only 2nd to freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly. It was about giving the people the right to protect themselves, should a government ever turn to tyranny. Americans have a RIGHT to keep and bear arms. Below is a diagram to explain this.
Other countries do not have this right. They have gun ownership listed as a courtesy, a favor, like being able to build a fence on your property, or that new addition on your house. It’s not a constitutional right. That is why it is much easier to put gun control into place. However. Terrorism has increased in Europe, gun control be damned. From Charlie Hebdo, to bombs being used in 40% of terrorist activity this year. But there have been trucks running over multiple victims throughout European countries. And, there is the Parliament attack in London and the bombing at the Manchester Arena, the Brussels bombing, and others. The massive amounts of gun control clearly has not protected people from harms way, nor has it prevented criminals from harming those they wish to harm.
Right now, Europe has no room to talk about violence and death and judge anyone on the subject. Now, while we talk about gun control, one country in Europe is overlooked. Mostly because Europe tries to pretend its not a part of Europe in anyway shape or form. That country is Russia.
Like it or hate it, a chunk of Russia is located in Europe and not just Kaliningrad, either. Yes! In the realm of gun control, Russia is also a member…and yet, violence remains in the country, Chechnya, anyone? Despite gun control, and far more guns and population in America than in Russia, the Russian Federation has many more homicides. According to NPR, “There are fewer than 13 million firearms in circulation in Russia, compared with an estimated 300 million in the United States. That works out to about 9 guns per 100 people in Russia and closed to 100 guns per 100 people in America.” Although the article is dated 2013, and the FBI statistics only show information up to 2009.
You cannot compare what is a courtesy to what is a constitutional right, nor can you pretend that Europe is a safe and secure land and America is the hotbed of violence per every corner. It is time for the gun control crowd to let go of this analogy and that if they are so afraid of guns, maybe it is time they learned something about them. Maybe it is time for them to get educated about guns and about the reality of Europe and other countries when it comes to violent crime.
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