How Trump Could Save Capitalism

By |2016-11-11T00:14:11+00:00December 29th, 2015|Companies & Products, Economics, Trump|

You hear about this all the time: Some low grade company in China makes a product and markets it to the middle class, which usually ends up worse for the wear.  Corporate greed repeats the same tired pattern over and over: Take a piece of garbage, package it up real nicely so people will buy it on looks, rather than quality. Now produce this item for pennies, and retail it for dollars. The rich get richer and the middle class goes down the drain.  It isn’t just China, either: This is what is going on all over the world and people like George Soros get ultra-rich off it and buy their politicians for their own greed.  This is the downside to Capitalism.  If the rich stop being greedy, then this system can work, however this is not always the case.

I think a guy like Donald Trump could change this.  Granted he is very wealthy, but he also is a realist and he understands that people need to be able to work and get paid fairly.  Otherwise investments won’t make their way back down to the business world.  The alternative to this is politicians like Clinton, who think they have to keep taxing the wealthy to keep the money supply moving.

Unfortunately, the greed in this country is so bad it could be our demise, no question about it.  We are going down the toilet faster than we know.  Fortunately, Trump has a personal stake in this as well:  He knows his lifetime investment in building a very successful company could vaporize.  It’s said the definition of insanity is doing the same old thing over and over expecting different results.  Corporate America is treading that line, and I think Trump knows it.

Holding Companies Accountable

By |2016-11-11T00:14:16+00:00November 10th, 2015|Companies & Products, Opinion, Supporter Letters|

Contributor: E.B.


The following is a letter sent to us by a supporter helping to hold companies accountable.


Re: TC Palm Bill – account management

Dear Mr. Brunjes:

My wife and I have subscribed to your newspaper for at least the last ten years.  Every quarter I pay our TC Palm bill online, however every time I go thru this process I have to call your technical support department to reset my password because your stupid ass system locks out ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT access to pay a bill every 3 weeks!  What moron designed this system?  I have never in all the years of working within the tech industry have ever had to do this.  What makes it even more idiotic is the fact that you can go back in and reset your password with the original one you have!!!   I was told by tech support that in order to avoid this password reset issue, I would have to access the account management part of your website every three weeks.  Now Mr. Brunjes, why would anyone go into their account management section every three weeks if we pay our bill every three months?!!!.  Stupid is an understatement here.   Here’s a quote from Donald Trump which I agree with one hundred percent of the time: “STUPID PEOPLE MAKING STUPID DECISIONS”.  This is exactly what your organization has done with this online account management system you set up.

In my conversation with your support tech I raised this issue and he was in total agreement that your security system in place for your customers who pay online was stupid.  I could not agree with him more.  He told me he gets the same frustrating calls from every customer who uses your online payment system.  Doesn’t this tell you something is wrong and it should be fixed?  Obviously this message goes on deaf ears because I have been screaming about this every time I go to pay my bill.  For years I have had to endure this and quite frankly I’ll just cancel my account and go to another paper then put up with this moronic designed piece of crap system you use.  It’s a waste of my time, frustrating and obviously designed by a jackass with a third grade diploma.  The real question here is sir, you are the one who is responsible because you are the President of this paper.  What are you going to do about it, just ignore it and it’s business as usual?  Maybe you should join the a**holes in Washington, they are really good at making stupid decisions just like your password inactivity lockout system which expires every three weeks.


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