ACLJ Letter: Planned Parenthood Emboldened – Does More Abortions Than Ever!

By |2020-03-03T15:32:11+00:00March 3rd, 2020|ACLJ, Planned Parenthood|

Planned Parenthood is EMBOLDENED as it worships at the altar of abortion.

It killed more babies than ever before – 345,672 in a single year – even while the national abortion rate was at an all-time low. It also took more of your tax-dollars than ever before.

Now it is setting aside tens of millions of dollars (including from its exorbitant profits and $616 million taxpayer windfall) to destroy the pro-life agenda nationwide.

But here’s where it gets worse – A LOT WORSE – a California jury has awarded Planned Parenthood millions more from pro-life advocates for exposing the harvesting and selling of aborted babies’ body parts.

We’re preparing an appeal to have this injustice REVERSED; but first there is one final, critical issue before the judge at the trial level. Just hours ago, Planned Parenthood responded to our latest brief. And we are ramping up our defense in another lawsuit involving the abortion industry.

As we battle to defeat Planned Parenthood and defend unborn babies in cases across the nation – including at the Supreme Court – we need your support.

Chip in $5 Today to Defeat Planned Parenthood in Court.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

ACLJ Letter: Thrown Out!

By |2020-03-03T15:27:10+00:00March 3rd, 2020|ACLJ|

Religious liberty is a constitutional right, not a disclaimer.

Christian businesses and organizations shouldn’t be forced to put a warning label on their services.

Yet, that is exactly what an Obama-era regulation requires in order for faith-based entities to participate in federal funding programs.

It’s not only absurd, it’s patently unconstitutional. Christians shouldn’t be relegated to second-class citizens.

In fact, we’ve defeated these kinds of requirements at the Supreme Court when states tried to force pro-life pregnancy centers to refer for abortions.

The Trump Administration has issued new federal rules across 9 federal agencies to throw out these anti-religious liberty regulations. This action will not only protect religious liberty, but also signal that any state that discriminates will face a loss of federal funding.

Today is our deadline to file public comments to 8 federal agencies defending religious liberty. A 9th comment will soon follow. We need you to join with us.

Sign our Petition: End Obama-Era Anti-Religious Liberty Rules.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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