About Autumn Lewis

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So far Autumn Lewis has created 37 blog entries.

Well Said!

By |2016-11-11T00:13:55+00:00September 11th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Image may contain: 5 people , people smiling

Dan Cincinnatus

In response to the rumors of a Seattle Seahawks team sit-down for the Star Spangled Banner on 09/11, I wrote this open letter to Russell Wilson and posted it on his Facebook page.

Dear Mr. Wilson,

My name is Dan Russell. I am a lifelong Seattle Seahawks fan, a native Washingtonian, and I have the humble privilege of serving as a Police Officer in my community.

I am the Officer in these photos – two of which went viral – taken in Dallas on 07/07 at the scene where 14 police officers were shot in an ambush; five of whom perished from their injuries.

I decided to dedicate myself to a life of Service on a Tuesday morning sitting in my parents living room on 09/11/2001, as I watched live footage of a plane crash into the World Trade Center. I woke up my brother, a serving United States Marine at the time, to give him the news – America was under attack.

On that sunny and bright Tuesday, 2,996 Americans lost their lives. 343 of those lost were firefighters, and 71 were law enforcement officers. In response to the worst terrorist attack in our Nation’s history, millions answered the call to Service – to Serve their Nation in the military, to Serve their communities as Police Officers, firefighters, dispatchers, paramedics, or as the family of one of these intrepid selfless individuals.

Every day, more choose to answer the call to Serve – inspired by those events of fifteen years ago and the selfless sacrifice of so many that came before them.

I chose to Serve on 09/11/2001. After Ferguson in 2014 I found myself questioning my choice of career and vocation. A visit to Ground Zero reminded me that I was Serving something bigger than myself – something beautiful and everlasting.


I humbly ask – I beg – that you do not sit down for The Star Spangled Banner on this coming Sunday, the 15th anniversary of 09/11/2001.

To do so would be a slap in the face to millions of fans, millions of public Servants, millions of Americans, to 09/11 first responders, to the survivors, and to the families of all that were involved and impacted by that terrible day, most of all –

To those 2,996 who fell in an act of hatred towards our country and all we stand for.

You have so many avenues of making a stand, of letting your voice be one of compassion, reconciliation, and building rather than tearing down. You have shown that you are an inspiring leader, man of community, faith, family, and charity. You have a voice that will be heard.

Please, use your voice in one of those other avenues – do not allow yourself to become one that succumbs to the sensationalism and misguided choices that are currently causing so much division in our country.

Stand for The Star Spangled Banner.

We who Serve will stand with you.


Dan Russell
Seahawks Fan

The ONE Reason To Vote For Trump.

By |2016-09-04T18:08:05+00:00September 4th, 2016|Uncategorized|

 Ed. note: to anyone-but-Trumps — consider how a continuation of Obama (AKA Hillary admin.) would reshape the Supreme court. If there is ONE reason to vote for Trump – think of the Supreme court.

On the campaign trail in 2008, Barack Obama promised to fundamentally transform the United States of America. After nearly eight years as president, he has delivered on one front by reshaping the federal judiciary. That revolution has been comprehensive, dramatic, and under the radar. When Obama entered the Oval Office, liberal judges controlled just one of… (more…)

Too Many People Vote?

By |2016-11-11T00:13:56+00:00August 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Perhaps a better way to say it is – too many UNeducated people vote. A call for a small civics test to be able to vote sounds like a good idea. Maybe 10 or 20 questions. This prep quiz from the USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services — division of Homeland Security that gives the tests for those choosing to become citizens) would be excellent!  https://my.uscis.gov/prep/test/civics

Todd Herman of Kiro Radio in Seattle says it well. Again though, not a generalization of just “too many” voting – but too many uneducated (hopefully) citizens voting for their personal interest. Not what’s best for the country.

Tell us how you did on the civics test!


FBI found nearly 15,000 new Hillary Clinton emails

By |2016-08-22T19:52:21+00:00August 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|

 Ed. note: 5 missing? Maybe. 15,000 emails missing? Yeah, that’s not a mistake.

The FBI found nearly 15,000 emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never turned over to the government after she left office – despite her insistence she’d handed in all her work-related messages. The Obama administration revealed the messages in a court hearing Monday. The 14,900 emails are just part of thousands the FBI has turned… (more…)

Obama lied? Say it ain’t so!

By |2016-08-19T17:21:28+00:00August 19th, 2016|Uncategorized|

 Even when caught with bold-faced lies he refuses to admit he was not “factually accurate” (i.e. lied). Unbelievable.

“We do not pay ransom. We didn’t here, and we won’t in the future.” Barack Obama might like to have that one back this morning, to stick a pin in the moving finger that writes. But the finger done writ, and it won’t come back to cancel a single line of the president’s fatuous fib that… (more…)

Have you heard of her? Kim Rhode and guns: Fans blame skimpy coverage of shooter’s Olympic record to media bias

By |2016-08-17T15:53:28+00:00August 17th, 2016|Uncategorized|

She just became the first Olympic athlete, male or female, to medal in six consecutive summer Olympic Games, but most sports fans have never heard of U.S. skeet-shooter Kim Rhode. Conservatives say there’s a reason for that: She’s pro-Second Amendment. Not only that, she supports Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. “It’s media bias: Olympics edition,” Matt… (more…)

Muslim nations doing this to Israeli Athletes

By |2016-08-11T16:33:42+00:00August 11th, 2016|Uncategorized|

The 2016 Olympic Games have been billed as an opportunity to put politics aside in the spirit of international camaraderie, but that’s not necessarily how it’s working out for Israeli athletes. Animosity toward the 47-athlete delegation has already triggered a reprimand from the International Olympic Committee and alarm from Jewish groups like the Anti-Defamation League, which… (more…)

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