Taken from an ACLJ letter to one of our readers.
The right to life and religious liberty are under assault like never before.
Leftist judges across the country are undercutting the fabric of our nation. Laws that would save the lives of countless unborn babies are being struck down. Laws that protect religious liberty – even of churches – are being totally ignored.
Defending the Constitution – especially the right to life and religious liberty – is the core of our mission at the ACLJ. It’s what we have done day in and day out for decades.
In the last few months, we’ve filed critical briefs in one of the biggest abortion cases at the Supreme Court in recent memory. We can defeat the abortion industry and save babies.
Today, we are filing a vitally important amicus brief at the Supreme Court to defend the rights of churches and religious schools that are being targeted for following their faith. No one should tell a church who they can and can’t hire.
But as we fight these major battles at the Supreme Court and courts all across the nation, we urgently need your Tax-Deductible support to defend unborn babies and religious liberty.
Donate Today Before Our Supreme Court Deadline.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel
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