Recently several Conservative thinkers, Thomas Sowell and Glenn Beck among them, released written statements in the National Review titled “Conservatives Against Trump.” What does that really mean and does Donald Trump really pose a threat to Conservative principles everywhere?
The short answer is Yes. He does. It may or may not be catastrophic, but the situation warrants some reflection. Up until this election Donald Trump had been best friends with the Clinton’s, a champion of pro-choice, and a large donor to the Democratic Party. Now he has transformed, and is now pro-life and is against Hillary and Democrats everywhere. Do we believe him?
Now we are all angry. We are frustrated by the failed policies of this administration which have been a black cloud over the nation and the world. We are angry at new threats and new problems that have arisen because of the negligence…or incompetence of the president. But is Donald Trump really the answer? The man makes fun of everyone and anyone he disagrees with, much like a liberal does. Yet, Republicans flock to him because he feeds their anger, or more importantly to note, he feeds off their anger.
It’s time to be blunt. If Donald Trump is elected it would mean the end of the Republican Party. He does not share our values. He only pretends to share our concerns. Despite his life as a Democrat, most independent voters see that GOP label on the debate floor and associate his special breed of lunacy with us.
The Republican Party and the Conservative movement has the unfortunate problem of a stigma existing against us. People (liberals and uninformed people) see anything right-wing as fascist, hateful, and bigoted. So why then, are conservatives so inclined to believe this man? Well he’s a good speaker, despite his many faults, he knows how to effectively stir the crowds. Years of television appearances have taught him much.
Glenn Beck can be on point or be completely delusional. But the above quote demonstrates a deep concern that people who think right have. Donald Trump plans on stepping over the Constitution and doing things his way. Working with congress? Well what if congress disagrees and doesn’t pass his bills? It’ll be executive orders galore. Nothing suggests that Donald Trump supports a limited government, or believes in the free market.
David Boaz wrote that “Equally troubling is his idea of the presidency — his promise that he’s the guy, the man on a white horse, who can ride into Washington, fire the stupid people, hire the best people, and fix everything. He doesn’t talk about policy or working with Congress. He’s effectively vowing to be an American Mussolini, concentrating power in the Trump White House and governing by fiat. It’s a vision to make the last 16 years of executive abuse of power seem modest.” No candidate is perfect and the notion of a “savior” in politics is nothing other than a line fed by candidates to dupe the voters into thinking said candidate can magically sold everything.
This is of course not taking into account his record. Everyone else’s record has been put under scrutiny, even by Trump himself. Naturally, it is his turn to answer for his support of abortion, redistribution of wealth, single payer healthcare and more. So what does he say that is conservative? He talks about fighting ISIS, and dealing with our illegal immigration problem. But a strong leader does not cower in the face of criticism.
If voters really care about strengthening the middle class, believe in small government, fiscal responsibility and free enterprise and trade, how can Donald Trump be our candidate? Why should Donald Trump be our candidate? Believing that we need to deport illegal immigrants is fine. But there is more to this election than immigration.
“If I developed a brain tumor, I would want Ben Carson to operate on me, but do I want Donald Trump “operating” on America?” Tells Cal Thomas. Making America great again, as Trump’s slogan says, means making America free and safe. It means a limited government, with a strong armed forces that are ready to fight against terrorism and it means making sure that the America we leave for our children is just as good as the one our parents had, or dreamed about.
Who can forget the wise and ever brilliant Thomas Sowell?
While we’re on the subject, Donald Trump also recently came out in favor of Government playing a role in healthcare. Thus the question is. What conservative principles does Donald Trump have?
Make no mistake, if he is elected it will feed the stereotype that the Democrats have perpetrated: that Republicans are all racist and bigoted old white men. Now the gender or race of the candidate doesn’t matter. But what does matter is our elect-ability among independent and conservative minded individuals. Donald Trump cannot make America great. All he can do is expand the government and poses as much of a threat to this country as Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Young voters will be turned off by the rhetoric he spews and for the Republican party to survive into the future, we need youth support. Right now Democrats are winning in this department and with Trump we will be handing them a ticket right towards the DNC.
Donald Trump is a comedian at times, a willfully ignorant and certainly arrogant joke among serious candidates. He is a large child who will not be able to handle the tough decisions and seriousness of being president. Tonight as Iowans Caucus and New Hampshire gears up to do the same, it is time to let Trump go, send him home, back to one of his many houses and his oodles of money and let the adults handle this.
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