ACLJ Letter: Thrown Out!

By |2020-03-03T15:27:10+00:00March 3rd, 2020|ACLJ|

Religious liberty is a constitutional right, not a disclaimer.

Christian businesses and organizations shouldn’t be forced to put a warning label on their services.

Yet, that is exactly what an Obama-era regulation requires in order for faith-based entities to participate in federal funding programs.

It’s not only absurd, it’s patently unconstitutional. Christians shouldn’t be relegated to second-class citizens.

In fact, we’ve defeated these kinds of requirements at the Supreme Court when states tried to force pro-life pregnancy centers to refer for abortions.

The Trump Administration has issued new federal rules across 9 federal agencies to throw out these anti-religious liberty regulations. This action will not only protect religious liberty, but also signal that any state that discriminates will face a loss of federal funding.

Today is our deadline to file public comments to 8 federal agencies defending religious liberty. A 9th comment will soon follow. We need you to join with us.

Sign our Petition: End Obama-Era Anti-Religious Liberty Rules.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel