Open Letter: Rep. Patrick Maloney Makes Pitch for PRO Act

By |2020-02-16T02:10:45+00:00February 16th, 2020|Economics|

Open Letter Dated February 11, 2020

I just voted to protect Hudson Valley workers and support their right to unionize.

I am proud to represent thousands of union households here in the Hudson Valley. When my dad got out of the Navy, he and my mother were able to buy a house, raise a family, and even put 5 kids through college – all while saving up enough to retire after a lifetime of hard work.

Every family who works hard and saves up should be able to achieve this American dream, but today that kind of financial stability seems like nothing more than a fantasy. The ability to retire and live with dignity is constantly under attack by far-right politicians and corporations. They’re trying to roll back worker protections, and they’re throwing everything they’ve got at us.

I am fighting back to protect the rights of workers and help set a higher standard of living for families across our state.

That’s why I just voted to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act, to strengthen New Yorkers’ power to negotiate for fairer paychecks, more benefits, and safer working conditions.

It’s time for Congress to draw a clear line in the sand and stand up for hard-working families.

Your Friend Sean


ACLJ Letter: Undercutting The Fabric of Our Country

By |2020-02-14T20:18:04+00:00February 14th, 2020|Politics|

Taken from an ACLJ letter to one of our readers.

The right to life and religious liberty are under assault like never before.

Leftist judges across the country are undercutting the fabric of our nation. Laws that would save the lives of countless unborn babies are being struck down. Laws that protect religious liberty – even of churches – are being totally ignored.

Defending the Constitution – especially the right to life and religious liberty – is the core of our mission at the ACLJ. It’s what we have done day in and day out for decades.

In the last few months, we’ve filed critical briefs in one of the biggest abortion cases at the Supreme Court in recent memory. We can defeat the abortion industry and save babies.

Today, we are filing a vitally important amicus brief at the Supreme Court to defend the rights of churches and religious schools that are being targeted for following their faith. No one should tell a church who they can and can’t hire.

But as we fight these major battles at the Supreme Court and courts all across the nation, we urgently need your Tax-Deductible support to defend unborn babies and religious liberty.

Donate Today Before Our Supreme Court Deadline.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

ACLJ Letter: Overturned! Fighting Planned Parenthood’s Legal Agenda

By |2020-02-14T20:10:19+00:00February 14th, 2020|Planned Parenthood|

Taken from an ACLJ letter to one of our readers.

Planned Parenthood has just set aside tens of millions of dollars to defeat the pro-life agenda nationwide.

Today, we are fighting back against the abortion behemoth in court.

Planned Parenthood is prepared to spend its record abortion profits and exorbitant taxpayer funding to defeat all of us. In fact, its latest report shows that while the abortion rate is at record lows nationwide, Planned Parenthood committed more abortions in the last year than ever before – 345,672.

But as outrageous as this is, it gets worse.

A California jury has awarded Planned Parenthood millions more from pro-life advocates for exposing the harvesting and selling of aborted babies’ body parts.

We’re preparing an appeal to have this injustice OVERTURNED; but before we do, there is another major issue before the judge at the trial level. TODAY is our deadline to file in federal court against Planned Parenthood.

As we battle to defeat Planned Parenthood and defend unborn babies in cases across the nation – including at the Supreme Court – we need your support.

Chip in $5 to Defeat Planned Parenthood Before Our Deadline.

Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director

ACLJ Letter: “Getting to the Bottom” of Deep State Activity

By |2020-02-14T19:56:47+00:00February 14th, 2020|Judiciary|

Taken from a letter sent by the ACLJ to one of our readers

We have all seen the corruptive power of the Deep State. But today we’re taking a major step toward restoring our republic.

Over the last few weeks, we’ve witnessed the shredding of the Constitution on live TV.

As I’ve said many times, we’re going to get to the bottom of how all of this started.

At the ACLJ, our Government Accountability Project has been laser focused on rooting out the Deep State, filing numerous federal lawsuits.

We’ve been battling the Deep State FBI in federal court over former FBI director Comey reportedly placing spies in the White House. We have now secured a big win forcing the FBI to begin producing key documents to us. Today is the first major production deadline.

We already secured a victory against the FBI earlier this month on behalf of a Christian who is an FBI agent who was told to remove his Bible verses on his work space or face discipline. Now we’re going to get to the bottom of the significant corruption at the FBI – the spies and the lies.

But we can’t do this vital work for our republic without your support. We need you as we face today’s deadline.

Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

“Why I Stand” – A Patriotic Tribute from the American Rodeo

By |2020-02-14T19:47:15+00:00February 14th, 2020|Creative, Videos|

Why I Stand
By: Meredith Looney LaMirande
I don’t do it out of obligation,

I don’t do it because I’m told.

I don’t do it because I was trained,

I don’t do it to be bold.

I stand for our National Anthem, because I’m forever grateful to be free.

I stand for the Anthem to respect, those before me.

The broad stripes and bright stars, are symbols of freedom which is rare.

The type of freedom that was won, while bombs burst in the air.

I stand for bravery dating back, to the Revolutionary War.

Battling the greatest army, not knowing what was in store.

I stand for the heroes who stormed Normandy, that fatal day.

Accepting that the ultimate sacrifice, might be the price to pay.

I stand for our twin towers, as a tribute that we have not forgotten.

I salute our military for ending, our fear that was Bin Ladin.

Our children are born, with rights and freedoms at birth.

How blessed are we to live, in the greatest nation on Earth.

Where democracy is our foundation, and there is opportunity for all.

A country free from oppression, our Lady Liberty stands tall.

A first class military whose dedication, is second to none.

Patriots ready to perform, when the war must be won.

We have wounded warriors who would return, if only they could,

Doing more for this country, than any single person should.

Heroes have fallen, their caskets draped in red, white and blue.

Stand up, sing along, their lives were given for you.

So as long as the star spangled banner, yet wave.

I stand for the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

I Had a Dream: State of the Union Reaction

By |2020-02-14T19:36:50+00:00February 14th, 2020|Creative, House & Senate, Opinion|

A letter from one of our readers.

Marsha and I don’t have access to TV, so I get most of my news from radio and reading, and occasionally I’ll watch something online. I wanted to both hear and see the president’s State of the Union Address, so I went online Wednesday morning 2-4 am for the address on YouTube. When Trump entered, I enjoyed watching Nancy Bela Lugosi extend her hand and have to pull it back when no handshake was offered. I wish there had been a microphone on her to catch the moronic remarks she made to Mike Pence throughout the address with that stupid smile on her simpleton face. And when she ripped up the pages of the address, she only reaffirmed what a no-class dumb-ass broad she is without the slightest grasp of history being made – like the rest of the Washington Swamp, including the lamestream media. It was hilarious to watch the smug puss-face Democrats refuse to stand or even applaud as the Republicans and most of the audience stood again and again to give frequent standing ovations. It was especially satisfying to see Rush Limbaugh honored as part of the address – up yours, Upchuck Schumer! I thought the address was excellent, and at this point I have no doubt Trump will be reelected with a clear majority of both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote. In view of the sorry assortment of Democrat candidates, I wouldn’t be surprised if he sweeps every state.

I went to bed a little after 4 am, and I had a dream. I dreamed I climbed up the side of a high wooden bridge, and when I climbed over the railing, who was there but President Trump and his entourage. He greeted me cordially and invited me to come along and join him for a drink, which I did. A moment later we were sitting at a table, the president to my right. He was talking (I don’t recall about what), and at one point I responded to something he said, and he shot me a stern side glance. I immediately realized I had interrupted him, and I said, “Oh, I guess you’re not used to being interrupted.” He held his glare for a moment, then broke into a broad grin and patted my hand. “No, I’m not,” he said, “but maybe I should be.” Then he let out a big laugh.

What that means, I have no idea. Perhaps it has something to do with Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17. Or perhaps it only means I shouldn’t eat spicy food before bedtime. Who knows?

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