Letter to Paul Ryan, Congress & President RE: Extended Vacations
April 20, 2017
Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House
1233 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Honorable Paul Ryan:
It was with utter shock and disgust that I discovered you and your colleagues of both parties are taking an extended vacation and only working 4 days during the month of April!!! You just returned from a vacation and now you want to have the rest of America pay you for your lack of responsibility to your constituents? That’s actually insulting that you think we don’t see your lack of concern, responsibility and laziness.
This is a new president and supposedly a new congress & senate who have done little to meet the mandate of the American people since last November. There are still cabinet appointees and members not yet voted on & you go on vacation? You know exactly what you’re doing and that makes this even more reprehensible!
What you need to do is to stay in Washington until your work is complete and stay there until you have a full plate of legislation to pass or flunk. Your work ethics are so unsatisfactory that I would flunk all of you!
Shame on you and shame on the taxpayers for not having spoken up sooner. We are now and expect you all to stand up like responsible caring men and women of THE United States of America and be proud to call yourselves Congressmen by actually completing your job like the rest of America has to do or we’ll all go down. Set an example for the American people. Set an example for our young people who have become more politically involved than the past generation. They’re watching! Your own children and grandchildren are watching YOU! What kind of legacy are you leaving all of us?
You are earning $223,500 a year or $4,298 a week! I suggest that if you take 10 weeks off a year then you need to reduce your income by $42,980 per year.
Do NOT write back telling me that you needed to have a Town Hall with us. I know better! So do you!
Disgusted and Angry beyond words,
Cc: www.WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates.org
CC: Senator Bob Menendez
CC: Senator Cory Booker
CC: Congressman Josh Gottheimer
CC: Mitch McConnell, Senator Majority Leader
CC: President Donald Trump