From Meredith Ancret Walker, known blogger and conservative podcaster, comes a great and intriguing read that is sure to piss of liberals and populists.

For too long minority conservatives have been ignored. Well no more. The time has come to burst the liberal bubble.


Liberals tend to believe that they have a monopoly over minorities. They think that all minorities, the LGBT, the black, the Hispanic, the average non-white straight, or old voter is in their back pocket and that only old white straight men support conservative principles or vote Republican. At least that’s what they want the average voter to think. The truth couldn’t be farther from this concept perpetrated by liberals.

The breakthrough novel by Meredith Ancred Walker demolishes liberal thought on the issue and pushes the boundaries of what it means to be Conservative. The good, the bad, the hilarious, and the concerning. From her commentary, to the real life stories of a variety of conservatives of all walks of life, this book is sure to show liberals exactly what kind of new generation of right-wingers they are dealing with. And they should be afraid…they should be very afraid.

Every liberal who thinks that Republicans are Satan, hate women or minorities need to read this book. Every college student, regardless of where they fall on the political scale needs to read this book. The GOP and Republican politicians could probably learn something from this book too, such as how to appeal to those minorities and what we can improve on as a party in general.The GOP is not perfect and changes need to be made in order for the party to continue to evolve and to stay relevant.

We have to appeal to new voters and encourage conservative thinking and beliefs. But first we have to acknowledge the mistakes the party has made and the wrong turns it has taken. We need to think smarter and fight harder and learn how to use the skills liberals have mastered years ago to work in our favor. We need to get creative in our approaches, and call out problematic behavior within the party. After that, the party can move forward and become strong for the changes that it makes.

Whether you are gay or straight, black or white, man or woman, Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Buddhist, immigrant, or anything else I might have left out, this book has something for everyone. Excellent political commentary, with great humor, and a dash of sarcasm…at times more heavy on the sarcasm. This book covers a wide variety of topics and keeps the reader interested with its great flow and conversation style of writing. It isn’t meant for scholars or great Conservative thinkers, it is meant for you and me, from your parents to the high school kids you see outside your house, to the young people seeing this on their social media feed.

This book was released on Kindle only this morning and as of yet is not available in print. But it is gaining momentum. This book is inspiring.  In fact, one amazon reviewer wrote as follows: “The book has bolstered my hope, and brought a sense of comfort, and I am not even past scratching the surface.” This is a conversation long overdue.

The liberal bubble has been burst, no longer can they claim to represent the interests of all while the Republicans represent only the old-white-man vote. This book is proof that anyone can be a Conservative. All that is required are a few core beliefs that include: individuality, the constitution, strong foreign policy, fiscal responsibility, low taxes and a limited government.

It is time to talk about the new elephants in the room, the gay conservatives, the Jewish conservatives, the New-Age Conservatives, the women conservatives, the young conservatives, the black and Latina conservatives, and all people who share these values that liberals tend to berate or downright ignore because of their political beliefs. It is time for said conservatives to stand strong in the face of liberal judgement and push back against it and break boxes or bubbles and be loud and proud of those principles.

Meredith has done a phenomenal job with this book and everyone from the smallest of liberals to the loudest of conservatives can benefit from the words of blunt wisdom in this book. Go forth, be bold and pick up this novel available for $8.99. You will find yourself saying “YES!” and “ALL OF THAT” throughout the book. It is an absolutely brilliant work of non-fiction and more books need to be written and more discussions need to be held on these serious topics.